Ashley Wood (center) posing for a selfie with two desperate fans at the 3A USVenture, SDCC, San Diego, CA - 2017
Ashley Wood is creative force behind ThreeA. Here's his bio from wikipedia.com with a few edits:
Ashley Wood (born 1971) is an Australian comic book artist and award-winning illustrator known for his cover art, concept design and his work as an art director. Wood initially worked in both the UK and international comic book industries, working on characters such as the British character Judge Dredd, before breaking into the US market, where he worked for such companies as Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Wood later worked for Image, creating graphic novels and cover art for the various Spawn properties of Todd McFarlane, and projects with IDW Publishing. Wood generally works in mixed media, often combining oil painting with digital artmaking.
Wood initially worked in both the UK and international comic book industries, working on characters such as the British character Judge Dredd, before breaking into the US market, where he worked for such companies as Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Wood later worked for Image, creating graphic novels and cover art for the various Spawn properties of Todd McFarlane, and projects with IDW Publishing.
Working in conjunction with Konami and Japanese producer/director Hideo Kojima to produce Metal Gear Solid comics. Wood assisted in creating one of the world's first digital comics for Sony's PlayStation Portable platform, the Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel. Following this, he also supplied art for the cinema scenes in the 2006 PlayStation Portable game Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and for the comic book adaptation of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, which is receiving the same digital treatment as its predecessor.
In 2004, Ashley Wood and TP Louise formed 7174 PTY LTD., an Australian-based entertainment company. Operating from Australia on a global scale, 7174 is active in creating entertainment properties for the comic, film, toy, and video game industry among others. Ashley Wood is the creator of the Popbot and World War Robot series of graphic novels, Popbot is currently in film production with Resolution Independent (November 20, 2011) and World War Robot in pre-production with Disney Studios with Jerry Bruckheimer producing (February 2008). Previous works include the graphic novel Lore which is currently in pre-production with Warner Brother's studio, with Barry Sonnenfeld directing initially; later, Dave Green was appointed as director, instead. Another Wood collaboration Zombies Vs Robots is currently in pre-production with Sony Pictures, with Michael Bay producing.
Using an international network of development partners, coupled with the vast experience 7174 has, the company acts as an "umbrella" organization which allows Ashley to create, own, and distribute his creations through a variety of media outlets.
In 2008, Ashley Wood and ThreeZero's founder Kim created threeA, a Hong Kong-based production house for designing, developing and manufacturing toys, posters, prints and clothing based on characters created by Ashley Wood.
Ash has worked on tons of comic book, art book and other publishing projects. This could be an area that gets expanded on this site, but for now, here's a growing list of ThreeA publications.
Awards and Nominations
- 2002 Spectrum Gold Award for Advertising, for Popbot Blue
- 2002 Spectrum Gold Award for Comics, for "Luwona Angry"
- 2002 Award of Excellence for Illustration, Communication Arts Nominations
- 2006 Eisner Award for Best Short Story for "Blood Son" (shared with Chris Ryall)
- 2006 Eagle Award for Favourite Comics Artist for Painted Artwork
- 2007 Eagle Award for Favourite Artist for Painted Artwork
- 2007 Eagle Award for Favourite Comics-Related Book, for Uno Tarino: The Latest Art of Ashley Wood
- 2011 Designer Toy Award for Artist of the Year
- 2011 Designer Toy Awards ThreeA won Manufacturer of the Year
May 16th
On Inspiration
"I'm always inspired that you guys are there to support my worlds, I think the greatest influence is when I see there is support for ideas that I have mentioned or used, that always gives me the energy to go for it! I'm fond of band references so here is another one, when band plays live to a great audience its lifted to put on a better show, that's very much me/3A, a great audience I have, so I strive to put on a better show, that's a great inspiration!"
Painting Mentors
"Klimt for his innate design, Degas for his elegance and Warhol for his spirit!"
- Ashley Wood, Putsch interview, July 2013
On His Creative Process and Storytelling
Q: We know that you are constantly drawing, whether it’s in the sketchbook, napkins or anything else which is around. Do you keep all your drawings or just the ones made in sketchbooks? How many sketchbooks you go through per year?
A: I have many sketchbooks, loose pages, this and that, I’m pretty OCD for drawing and cut through literally 1000′s of pieces of paper a year. Though many look like shit, some are looking great and I see no reason to slow down as one day my hand and eyes won’t be in sync! I might take another photo of the latest drawings on the floor for my blog, thanks for the idea!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#4)
"I'm not the kinda guy to give to much of a detailed lowdown on anything, I guess it's a style thing, not a lack of knowing it (as anyone who meets me with questions finds out) just my way of doing it, I blame French cinema for this!"- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#8)
Q: What pen do you use?
A: I use all sorts, mainly calligraphy markers from many companies! I dont want to say exactly which, as they all have different qualities and you should personally try them all to find out what you like, i assume your an artist?
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#15)
I’m driven by the need to create, its not a case of wanting, or doing, but NEED. I have worked in companies but I dont play well unless, I have 100% freedom which I believe is a natural state for anyone. I know many love editors, art directors etc, but not me, I see everything on the same level as making a painting, I dont ask for direction or advice on that, why would I ask anywhere else… I want you too have a 100% thing, for better or worse… I also love what I do, to be able to make from war robots, to pascha, is a dream situation, not one I take for granted so I show the respect! I think on an artistic level, I have taken a lot of inspiration from Warhol, or what I believe Warhol did. As in making art not just a picture you can hang, but adding to that, the toys, the books, the comics are all parts of the same picture, the stories I weave with my toys are as important as anything draw or paint, the small bit of text on ads, and packaging etc — its my lifes artistic work, it is just my path.- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A #6
Q: With all the sketching lately, have you had a chance to do any sketches for the Cosplay contest winners? And what’s with all the straight and perfectly cut boards lately? Where are the fucked up edges that are pain in the ass to frame?
A: I have nearly done them , the office ask me daily, really… they aint that straight, I was just trying to match two boards, and they are fucked up!.. I think the reason for better edges is, I use a jigsaw thingy now, I used a box cutter before, im getting more pro as I get older.
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#5)
On Video Games
Q: Have you played the video game Bioshock, and if so would you ever try to make a Big Daddy, or Handy Man, or even the Song Bird with a 3A custom colorway?
A: I have played all the Bioshock, years ago I was asked to try for a job as art director with the team, I sometimes think what could have been, though they certainly have done great and don’t need me.. they already have toys though I think?
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#6)
"I like to create, I like to do things, and video games are a nice medium, which is really connected with its audience. I like video games like an old friend, we don't chat for months, but when we do it is like we never stopped."
- Ashley Wood, Putsch interview, July 2013
On ThreeA
Q: Can you please elaborate about C.O.O or hint what does it change potentially for threeA and Legion?
A: C>O>O is a manifesto for 3A, and me, the meaning will be revealed later as its too broadly interpreted, 3A isn’t a normal company driven by normal things!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#4)
Q: When did you came to revelation that 3A is more than just a company and is changing the whole vinyl scene and influences so many people? What were you thinking in that moment?
A: err, is it, I kinda don't think like that, I think, I don't know what I think, I feel i just want to make stuff I like etc, I figure im not that special, so maybe some other folks may dig what I do. I just want to be that guy that doesnt change his ways, regardless of what changes around him, ill still say cunt and draw breasts and spell shit wrong, just to fuck with peeps or for me, or best of all to make TP smile. I want to know this In the end as soundtrack cuts in and my ship is sinking ill do a lookback, salute and go under happy! that kinda doesnt answer the question, but sounds pretty cool!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#14)
Q: What makes 3A so special?
A: ...it's them [the fans], they're the ones who make it special, they are the ones who make it what it is
- Ashley Wood, Worldof7174 blog 4/7/2013
On Movies
Q: Can you please share any details about movies based on your Intellectual property, which are in production, like Popbot, WWR, Lore and Zombies vs Robots?
A: Popbot is going well, we have many attached but until we have it locked, it just continues in pre-production and such, we have quite a lot to show for our time, but me and Ford are looking at making a film that well defies what you can do, or why bother! Lore is going well too, and there should due some info soon, but thats a Warner Bros thing, ZvR is looking for a director last I heard, I guess I’m not cool enough to do it! WWR is in a similar position to ZvR!
- Ashley Wood (10/13/2013), ThreeA blog Q and A (#4)
On Comics
Q: Do you remember the first comic you ever read and would you like to flip through it now or perhaps you already have an art from it on your walls?
A: Donald Duck ( a reprint, cant remember the story ), won it in art contest age 5. left it behind afterwards, ran back to get it…
- Ashley Wood (2014), ThreeA blog Q and A (#20)
Q: In last Q&A session, you said that your first comic to read was Donald Duck comic, would you like to make your version of classic Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie? Classic is gold!
A: mmm, I dunno, I like Scrooge best, evil duck with the bucks!
- Ashley Wood (2014), ThreeA blog Q and A (#21)
On Collecting
Q: We remember that you were on the hunt for old-school toys few years ago. What toys do you collect these days and do you need any help from Legion?"
A: 24″ SHOGUN WARRIORS BOXED, still love MEGO.. always need help, toy sourcing is an art!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#5)
On Food and Drink
Q: Ash, when I meet you at Comic Con what would you like on your pizza?
A: Peperoni, anchovies and tomato... I'll be waiting.
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#6)
Q: Pasta or pizza?
A: Hamburger.
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#12)
Q: Beer or Wine?
A: Actually I consume more coffee...
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#16)
Q: What is your morning routine? Bacon & eggs and daily comic maybe?
A: Eggs, coffee, drawing, design, paint, set to repeat.. bacon is good, I mean cmon…good lord... crispy bacon...
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#19)
On Releases
[during a pre-sale event] I draw, design, take care of 3A business etc, I have learned over the years not to worry and just accept the outcome. In the end thats all I can do, If you guys support it, awesome, ill do more, if not Ill think again on it. My main internal mission is to just do it, not think about the market, how to sell etc, thats pretty much it, sure im like wow, no one wanted that, I wonder why?, but thats also the beauty of it, its not a given, its not mcdonalds, and it could all end so quick. Its a great romance, all or nothing, any other way wouldnt be fun right ?
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#14)
Q: What was the most exciting 3A sale for you so far? What surprised you the most? Was it Large Martin sale back in the day, when Mr. Frosty was gone without any photos (just a partial teaser)?
A: mm that would have been Nom de Plume, a great day, Mr. Frosty was a great indication that 3A supporters were the best, trusting and generous!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#14)
On Production
We do discuss upcoming stuff, but we let chaos run our system, as you know chaos can be a bitch, but dammit we will try. I would say this, If I make a clear ad or show may images of it painted, it's close, 2-6 weeks till sale!
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#19)
The hatchery [The name of the 3A toy production factory in Hong Kong] has grown the most I think over the years, I'm still in my bedroom on fold away table ( no shit ) but I kinda like that, guerrilla warfare style… It's a growth of technology and skills too, not just work force. The future for toys is very different from now, with the advent of 3D printing and other less mainstream tech the possibilities and requirements of all toy/product makers will shift massively. It won't be good enough just to make stuff, you will have to make the best, with tech and features that push way beyond todays. This isn't just a situation for toys, but for many consumer products, its exciting, it will make us all strive and push beyond what we know! Which is in turn great for our audience, our supporters.
- Ashley Wood, ThreeA blog Q and A (#22)
Last updated: April 14, 2022