This is to highlight some of the favorite characters across the many worlds of 3A. I don't have actual data to back up whether or not these are indeed the most popular characters, but it's a start. Maybe I can set up a poll to track the favorite characters across the 3A fan base. But for now, here are my picks based on what I have seen over the past few years, in no particular order:

Photo by wang2nobody
I was amazed at the number of drawings and paintings Ash had collected in the 12'x12" softcover artbook that came with the Lastronaut membership pack. She is a character he obviously has obsessed over for some time. Must be amazing to see an idea like this one realized in the form of a quality action figure.

Photo by hwang_21
Everyone loves this bot and he's been a part of the World War Robot (WWR) mythos since the beginning. I love the story of the "Dirty Deed Berties" - a battalion of 12 Bertie robots and a troop of humans, assembled by the Terran government to take out their maker, Darwin Rothchild on the moon. But things go awry, the humans are all dead, and N.O.M de Plume ends up running with the bots mucking up the war by fighting for or against either side. But why?

Photo by Phil Back
Isobelle Pascha has been an iconic character with staying power in the world of 3A. There's an undeniable sexuality about Pascha that defines her and the characters in her fantasy-filled world. This toy line features free-spirited characters who can be found in anything from adorable cosplay to everyday clothes and even kinky lingerie with special *ahem* accessories.
- 1:6 scale figure
- 1:12 scale figure

Photo by @foreignparticle
Tomorrow Kings
Tomorrow Kings or "TK" as they are commonly referred to, are genetically engineered, autistic human warriors bred to fight robots. They are the proverbial killing machines using a vast array of weapons from katanas, kusarigama to rocket launchers and even huge war hammers. Some are heavily armored with shogun-style protective gear, while others wear cheeky t-shirts and cargo pants, board shorts or capri-style pants. As stated in the book "The Art of Tomorrow Kings":
"Alone, even though their brothers number in the millions. Yes we are doing fine, like the last time, like the last time. They face death from steel, but do not know how to say hello. Today princes, Tomorrow Kings."
Wood, Ashley. The Art of Tomorrow Kings. IDW Publishing, 2016.

Photo by @Hwang_21
Cunning. Resourceful. Viscious.
- 1:6 scale figure
- 1:12 scale figure

Photo by @Hwang_21
Tommy Mission
Tommy loves adventure. As the frontman of the Adventure Kartel, he fights the undead Zombs and their insatiable thirst for brains and chaos or whatever. Often seen fighting alongside his love, Little Shadow. Tommy and his band of adventurers have their work cut out for them fighting the despicable doctor, Zomb MD and his Zomb minions.
It is also hinted that Tommy has daddy-issues, as his father, Bleak Mission has gone missing - "Not that he ever loved Tommy anyway..."
- 1:6 scale figure
- 1:12 scale figure
Wood, Ashley. Adventure Kartel. IDW Publishing, 2014.

Photo by Patrick Wong - pcww88
Darwin Rothchild
Darwin Rothchild is the creator and CEO of the Rothchild Corporation, inventor and creator of the main robots utilized in the Great War. He currently resides at his base of operations on the Moon because his safety is not guaranteed on Earth since he provides robots to both Terran and Martian forces.
Darwin Rothchild was not mentioned in WWR Illustrated Number One. Therefore, there is inconsistency and confusion between the two characters Darwin Rothchild and Walter Rothchild and their relation to one another and the Rothchild Corporation.
- Standard Rothchild "Here Is The Young Man Edition" (1:6 scale figure)
- Funeral Party Edition Rothchild (1:6 scale figure)
- Father and Son 2-Pack (1:6 scale figure)
3A Wiki contributors. "Darwin Rothchild" (defunct). Web, date unknown.

Photo by @foreignparticle
Little Shadow
Is Little Shadow immortal? This little killer has "dined with Roman emperors and fought gods of the underworld." She fights "the eternal enemy" and can be seen diving headlong into a horde of blood thirsty Zombs. Little Shadow is the "public face of the Shadow Family". She carries a Skullboom - explosive device crafted from the skull of a zomb - in her messenger bag. She's also the testy love interest of AK hero Tommy Mission, aka his 'part-time girlfriend'.
- Little Shadow (1:6 scale figure)
- Shadow Mode Little Shadow (1:6 scale figure)
- Tommy Mission and Little Shadow Set (1:6 scale figure)
- Ankou SXCLB and Little Shadow Mk2 Latex Throwdown Set (1:6 scale figure)

Photo by
Zef Ninja and Yolandi
Ok, I know these two have not been around in the 3A universe for long but they have proven to be popular. I think many 3A diehards were scratching their heads at first (at least I know I was) when this new creative partnership was formed in 2015 between Ash and the South African hip-hop-rave duo known as Die Antwoord. But Ash and his team knocked it out of the park with their execution of this set.
- Little Shadow (1:6 scale figure)
- DA NINJA TK - World of Meta-POPBOT (1:6 scale figure)
- Mount Ninji and Da Nice Time Kid (1:6 scale figure set) - nominated in 2018 for the Designer Toy Award