Roadie turned protector
First seen on the battlefields in the 1930's helping the Third Reich. "With an iron bat, it could tear apart tanks like they were dinky toys." Popbots are "a container for people's souls"Foul-mouthed and naughty
Kitty is a talking cat whose life is riddled with turmoil and decauchery. Many interesting characters are after this nasty little furball to collect on debts and right the wrongs. So many wrongs.Super Agent B*tch
Lady Sham

High-tech pleasure devices, sex-bots if you will, that turned on humanity and declared war. Lead by the indestructible Mortis Queen, they seek world domination.Adorned with the blood of JFK
Blind Cowboy and Ghost Horse
Special thanks to the 3A toy photographers whose work is featured on this page: Patrick Wong (pcww88), foreignparticle, frutiger_, sjcui, barton_ltm, toy_spot